Specialty Courses

with Sali Bay Dive Resort

Enriched Air Diver / Nitrox

How to use Enriched Air (Nitrox) safely and effectively. Minimum age 12 years.

Completing the theory online saves classroom time. To sign up for the eLearning this link must be followed:


PADI eLearning - Salibay Resort Halmahera

PADI eLearning – Salibay Resort Halmahera

Deep Diver

Plan and conduct deep dives to a max of 40 m safely and enjoyably.

Minimum age 15 years.
2 boat dives over.

Peak Performance Buoyancy

Enhance your buoyancy skills – also recommended after a long period of inactivity.

Minimum age 10 years.
1 day with 2 boat dives.

Search and Recovery

Search for and lift a missing object. Effective use of compass and lifting devices.

Minimum age 12 years.
4 boat dives

Underwater Naturalist

Identification of fish and coral including interesting information about the coral reef ecosystem.

Minimum age 10 years.
1 day with 2 boat dives